Welcome to SIPS 2018
Registration for SIPS 2018 is now open! Sign up here.
Early registration ended March 30, 2018. But there are still registration discounts for SIPS members – if you are not yet a member, you will want to join first!
- Information on hotel reservations and travel
- Information on meeting program
Lightning Talks
Submissions are NOW OPEN for SIPS 2018 lightning talks. For more information about lightning talks, click here.
Student and Postdoc Travel Fund
Apply here! [Applications have closed.] SIPS has made a limited number of funds available for student and postdoc travel support. This fund supports defraying student and postdoc travel costs to the SIPS Annual Meeting. You should apply only if you do not have access to other travel support (e.g., from your home institution, your lab, or another grant). Awards will be made based on a lottery to applicants who meet the qualifications:
- You are a student or postdoc member of SIPS (i.e., you have not yet achieved a “career” level position such as faculty or administrator)
- You confirm that you do not have other support to attend the SIPS meeting (besides personal resources)
Applications have closed (February 28, 2018). Awards will be announced by mid-March.