#SIPS2019 OSF page:
Static .pdf program:
Email updates
May 30, 2019:
June 17, 2019:
July 3, 2019:
About SIPS 2019
SIPS 2019 is an action-oriented meeting, serving our mission to improve psychological science. There will be no symposia or keynote speakers: the meeting will focus on initiating and conducting projects. In other words: no passive listening to boring talks, but instead getting your hands dirty and immediately starting to improve psychological science! All meeting attendees are expected to abide by our code of conduct.
Because this format is something not everyone is used to, and some of it might sound a bit abstract, you can check out last year’s program, the SIPS’ meeting OSF page, and this great blog post to learn more.
The conference programming committee is hard at work planning workshops, hack-a-thons, unconference, and lightning talk sessions for this year’s meeting. Don’t have any idea what any of that stuff means? Don’t worry – we barely do either! All that is required to attend this meeting is a desire to improve science and a willingness to get to work.