Welcome to SIPS 2021
The SIPS 2021 meeting (June 23-25, 2021) will be fully online.
Register for the conference
Meetings of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) differ from most professional society meetings. At SIPS, there is very little sitting around listening to people talk about their research. Instead, most of the time is spent working collaboratively on projects aimed at improving psychological science. We actually get things done. SIPS meetings also include a number of hands-on workshops (e.g., learning R, Bayesian stats, meta-analytic techniques).
Visit the program page for information about meeting sessions and timing.
Registration is required to attend, and the meeting will take place on Zoom. Registrants must agree to adhere to the SIPS code of conduct and meeting rules. Please write sips@improvingpsych.org with any questions.
Meeting Sponsors